What am I offering?

Technical SEO optimization on WordPress involves a set of measures aimed at improving the technical aspects of your site to enhance its ranking in search engines. After a detailed analysis of your site, I will propose specific solutions to improve its technical SEO.

Site Speed Optimization

  • Utilizing caching.
  • Image optimization.
  • Minification of CSS and JavaScript files.
  • Installing plugins for speed optimization.

Fixing errors on the back end

  • Updating WordPress, plugins, and themes
  • Fixing critical errors
  • Finding and replacing redundant code
  • Optimizing database queries

Fixing html structure

  • Editing Meta Tags
  • Image optimization
  • Changing invalid html code
  • Improved Mobile Visibility

How it works:

Why it’s important to use this service

Increasing Search Engine Visibility

Increasing visibility in search engines is a key step towards increasing organic traffic to your website.

Faster Site Loading

Faster site loading contributes to improved user experience, which in turn can lead to increased visitor retention and conversions.

Fixing Technical Errors

Minimizing traffic loss due to technical errors on the site is an important aspect of ensuring continuous availability and functionality of your web space.

Professional Site Optimization

Professional optimization of your site saves time and resources by ensuring efficient use of available tools and strategies to achieve your goals.

Price offer

When developing pricing proposals for technical SEO services for WordPress websites, various factors are taken into account, such as the size and complexity of the site, the required workload, the level of competition in selected keywords, etc. Below are possible pricing package options:

Note: Prices may vary depending on the complexity of tasks, required time, and SEO specialists’ expertise. Individual agreements and additional services are also possible upon client’s request.

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