Internet Security: The Problem with WordPress and How to Solve It

In a world where online presence is becoming increasingly crucial, website security plays a key role. However, one of the most popular platforms for creating websites, WordPress, has encountered serious security issues. Let’s delve into why this happens and what can be done to secure your site.

Statistics show that over half of the websites on the internet are created using WordPress. This large number attracts the attention of cybercriminals. Websites are often compromised through so-called “zero-day vulnerabilities,” where the issue is already known but has not yet been fixed. Site owners may face automatic breaches if they do not update the engine and plugins in a timely manner.

To ensure the security of your WordPress site, here are a few important steps:

  1. Timely Updates: Regularly update the WordPress core and plugins. This is one of the most effective ways to protect your site from known vulnerabilities.
  2. Theme Audit: Conduct a theme check for vulnerabilities in the code. Even the most beautiful theme can conceal potential security threats.
  3. Implement Security Recommendations: Follow WordPress security recommendations at the server level to further protect your site.
  4. Use Security Plugins: Install additional security plugins to help prevent automated attacks on your site.

These simple yet important steps will help secure your site and ensure its smooth operation. But how do you find a professional who can help you with this?

I offer services to secure your WordPress site. I am familiar with all the intricacies of working with WordPress and can offer you customized solutions for your site. My services include monitoring, updates, code reviews, and security configuration. I guarantee reliable protection for your online space.

The cost of my services depends on the specific needs of your site. I offer flexible plans, starting from monthly monitoring to security setup for your site. Contact me for a free consultation and find out how I can help you ensure the security of your site.

Don’t put your site at risk. Seek assistance today and secure your online business!


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